With the rise in global warming ,the climatic temperature is inching up year on year basis. The temperature on Factory floors becomes unbearble in summer days and effects the worker morale and work efficiency. The industrial coolers can be a great aid to get relief from summer heat.. The need for cooler is higher specially in production units , warehouse, factories, thermal plants, chemical units and many more to provide a comfortable working environment. The hot and humid environment creates inefficiency in work and decreases productivity .So, the ultimate solution to remove this problem is installing a cooler in the factory to re-energize the employees.
Why is it important to have a cooler in every industry?
Well the question has already been answered above, but let’s go in detail to know about its single contribution to the factory.
1. No CFC emission
The great thing about setting a cooler in a factory is that it does not release CFC. So we can consider it as an environment friendly technology based equipment that creates no harmful gas for the employees. Without any poisonous gas, the cooler aids in cooling and maintaining the air temperature with the help of the industrial cooling fan. This cooler can cover a space of 2500 sq. ft. with 18000 CMH big air flow. It has a powerful 30 inches Axial fan. So, it is the safest way to keep a factory cool and let the employees work with efficiency in a hygienic and comfortable atmosphere.
2. Low electric consumption
The reason behind its demand and publicity in the market is, this cooler consumes very less electricity. So it is perfect to use for commercial and industrial purposes. As we all know, production units need lot of electric energy for various operations. In such a scenario a cooler with low power consumption can help to reduce overall electric expense.
3. Faster cooling within short period of time
This cooler releases cold air within minutes of switching on that does not waste time of the employees. It never let the employees feel fatigue during work. Employees are inspired to work hard and put more effort as the environment is the best suitable to perform well. Working become a pleasure in such an atmosphere where employees feel fresh all the time and as a result it boosts on productivity.
Combining these above three features, Evapoler has introduced the exclusive Industrial Portable Model WK-180 KB that is playing a vital role in the factories. It has suitable indoor and outdoor applications, heavy duty castor wheels for easy mobility, honeycomb cooling pads and many more other features. The users of this cooler are highly satisfied with its functions.