MDEH is dedicated & specialised in eye care services. Hospital Name is on the name of founder’s Respected Mother SmtMishri Devi.
It is among the finest Hospitals in the state. Mishri Devi Eye Hospital has two units in Alwar District of Rajasthanand is known for offering excellent patient care.
The Challenge
The Hospital administrator wanted to have comfort cooling solutions for the patients and staff members in both their units atBehror& Neemrana.
Behror Unit, Area Cooled 2200 Sqft
General Ward on Ground Floor & Staff Room on Top Floor
Neemrana Unit, Area Cooled-1100 Sqft
Waiting Room on Ground Floor
Evapoler proposed complete end to end solution from design to installation and commissioning. Energy efficient and compactEVA-180J& EVA-180Hmachineswere installed.
Hospital management is satisfied with the performance of the Evapoler Modular Units. Evapoler provided a smart, effective and affordable solution.