The Rise In Demand Of Indirect Evaporative Cooling


In the last few days, it has been seen that the demand for indirect evaporative cooling systems is getting higher. There are a number of organizations thinking about investing in the respective cooling system so that they can enhance their way of operation and make sure that all the employees are safe and secure with pure and healthy air inside.

If you are thinking about why indirect evaporative coolers then we are here to help you with it. But, before understanding the benefits you will be getting with the respective evaporative cooling systems it is important that you understand what are evaporative coolers.

What Is an Evaporative Cooler?

Evaporative cooling systems are also acknowledged as desert coolers and you will find them available in different forms all around the world. Every type of cooling system has its own mechanism but the objective remains the same. So, you need to research well and then make your purchase so that you can get benefited from the right form of cooling system for your space.

You will have direct and indirect evaporative cooling systems as options and both of them follow different approaches to help you with cooling. So, you need to understand the procedure and the mechanism to make your decision with complete clarity. But, the objective is to beat the humidity and feel good while being involved in the immense pressure of work. It will help you have excellent cooling efficiency to ensure that you never take a toll on your body because of the heat.

What Makes You Go For Indirect Evaporative Cooling Systems?

When it comes to indirect evaporative cooling systems, the demand is getting higher and the reason is its unique way of operation. While following the same, it does bring you a lot of advantages, and a few of them have been mentioned below, check it out:

Save Bills: Normal air conditioning can certainly enhance your billing amount quite significantly with regular usage. But, with this technology of an indirect evaporative cooling system, you will be able to save yourself from big expenses related to it. You will be able to save around 60 to 70 percent of the bill without any hassle.

Excellent Work: You will be able to get your entire space chilled with the help of this technology. In fact, as the temperature increases so does the cooling efficiency and there will no work stoppage because of the weather outrage.

Pure Air To Breathe: With pollution being the biggest issue, there are many falling ill because of the impure air. With this cooling system, you will have completely fresh air to breathe. So, the chances of employees falling ill will get less and the productivity will get better.

Eco-Friendly Operation: The best part of this technology is that it is not using any sort of harmful refrigerants. So, the way of operation is completely eco-friendly and it will surely be able to make it easy for you to breathe safely.

So, these are the reasons why the demand for indirect evaporative cooling is at its peak. All you need to do is to connect with the right company. If you are looking for a reliable company to help you with indirect evaporative cooling systems then all you need to do is to connect with Evapoler. They have the best products to fulfill your needs.

Top 9 Reasons To Get High Static Cooling Unit Now


Are you looking for a cooling system that can give a lot of better assistance than your expectations? There cannot be anything better than an evaporative high static cooling unit. These systems are designed with extraordinary attributes that will surely give you cooling efficiency more than your expectations.

The high static cooling system provides more than 90 percent efficiency. So, it will be a complete value for money investment for you and your business to get the best results at the end of the day. If you are still looking for reasons to purchase a high static cooling unit for your plant then below mentioned are a few of the points that will surely get you convinced, check it out:

  1. With these evaporative cooling units, the temperature will go down by 19 degrees in your arena even in the time of hot and dry climates.
  2. Another important reason why you must not hesitate and consider buying these cooling units is that it consumes less than 80 percent of the electricity. So, you will eventually end up saving expenses quite a lot.
  3. The best part about this system is that it is very economic and nature friendly. Its usage will cause no harm to the environment in which way.
  4. These cooling systems are also highly acclaimed in the business when it comes to improving indoor air quality. Usage of this system will expel all kinds of fumes, dust, and odors from your surroundings.
  5. Another dramatic attribute this evaporative cooling system carries with itself is that it works even more efficiently with temperatures rising outside. So, it will never let the temperature hamper your work productivity.
  6. You will not have to close your windows and doors while using this machine. In fact, opening the same can make the system work more efficiently.
  7. The respective system comes with the infusion of a submersible water pump so that the water supply is not hampered at all costs.
  8. The air delivered by the system is completely pure and will certainly help your resources feel a lot healthier and this will eventually curb down the absenteeism.
  9. Lastly, with employees and machines getting the best environment with this system, you can expect the productivity percentage to get better with every passing day.

So, these are the reasons why you must not hesitate and consider making a purchase of a high static cooling unit right away. It will certainly give your business the desired boost to make progress. If you are looking for a company to help your business get this system installed then you can connect with Evapoler now! It will surely help you get the results you are looking for.

The Significant Rise Of Hybrid Air Conditioner


The manufacturing industry suffers from big losses even if there is a loss of an hour’s work. The employees and machines working all day and night also suffer damage that can certainly bring down productivity a lot more. So, the time has come where the approach and atmosphere need to be changed and made friendly for both humans and machines.

Continuous work, hot and humid temperatures, and poor breathing space can certainly take a toll on many employees. This can result in the form of loss of resources and eventually work. So, if you are looking for a solution to this indirect work hamper situation then all you need to do is to bid adieu to the normal air conditioner and it’s time to welcome hybrid air condition.

What is a Hybrid Air Conditioner?

When it comes to Hybrid air cooling systems, it is basically an advanced technology in the world of air conditioning that will give you and your resources all the comfort they deserve to serve you with excellent results. It perfectly tackles all the hurdles and ensures that there is no dramatic impact on your production. In fact, there is a high probability of it getting better and better with time.

There are a number of features attached to this system that is responsible for such significant improvements. If you are thinking how then below mentioned are the attributes you get with the installation of Hybrid air coolers, check it out:

  1. Firstly, the biggest benefit you will be getting with this move is saving money big time. With electricity costs down by 60 percent, your company will certainly be saving a huge sum of money that can help your business to even further improvements and growth.
  2. Secondly, you will be able to save your resources from going down because of the poor air quality. These hybrid air coolers will help you with 100percent healthy and fresh air that will keep all the employees healthy and eventually enhance the productivity numbers as well.
  3. Thirdly, the cooling feature of this system is more than sensational. Even the biggest of machines working on your plant will not get heated when this device is running. It will keep the workflow going and help your business to take the lead.

These are the reasons why the demand for hybrid air cooling systems has gone high and there are a number of companies now claiming to provide the best of solutions. If you are looking for a reliable company to help you with your needs for a hybrid air conditioner then all you need to do is to knock on the doors of Evapoler now! You will certainly not feel disappointed in terms of quality and charges! Contact now!